How to do IM in Skype

Start an IM conversation

Locate the person you want to send an instant message to by finding them in search or in your Contacts list. You can also find them in your conversation history.

1.       Find the search box on your Skype for Business contacts page, just below the Contacts tab.

2.       Click in the search box and type the contact name you want to search.

3.       Hover over their picture in the Contacts list and click the   button on the quick launch bar.

4.       Type your message at bottom of the conversation window.

5.       Press Enter on your keyboard to send the message. You'll see next to each instant message a picture of the person who sent it. This works for both one-to-one conversations and conferences.

6.       (Optional) Add others to the conversation by dragging their contact listing from your Contacts list into the conversation window.

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