Add members to Unified Groups using CSV


This script is used to add members to the unified groups using CSV File.

The CSV file should contain the following columns:

-Identity:  Identity parameter specifies the Microsoft 365 Group that you want to modify. (Name, DN, email any one of these which should be unique)

-LinkType: The LinkType parameter specifies the Microsoft 365 Group property that you want to modify. (Member, Owner, Subscriber)

-Links: The Links parameter specifies the recipients to add to the Microsoft 365 Group. (UPN of the user)


Install-Module -Name AzureAD


Install-Module -Name Msonline


Import-Csv -Path "C:\Users\tv\Desktop\office365.csv" | foreach {

Add-UnifiedGroupLinks –Identity $._name  –LinkType Members  –Links $_.members


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