Bulk Password Reset of office 365 users


This script is used to reset password of office 365 users using powershell and CSV file.

In the CSV you need to create the following columns:

-UserprincipalName: Email of the user whose password you want to reset

-NewPassword: New password you want to set for the user

-ForceChangePassword: User force to change password on first login

Script 1:

Import-Csv -Path "C:\Users\Awais\Desktop\Drivers.csv" | foreach {

$users = get-msoluser | select userprincipalname,objectid | where {-userprincipalname -like $_.UserPrincipalName }

Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -NewPassword $_.Password -ForceChangePassword $False }

Script 2:

Import-Csv "C:\Users\Awais\Desktop\APSCBWP Users.csv" | % { Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -NewPassword $_.Password -ForceChangePassword $True }

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