Change Primary email address of Active Directory user
Change Primary email address of Active Directory user
For this we need to go through from basic steps: Create a Azure VM:
Install azure AD in your vm following steps:
After installation we have a notification click on it and proceed deployment configuration:
It also gives a program so that we can change addresses via POWERSHELL.
The configuration is done. The server will restart now.
Have a look on domain it is connected.
After a successful restart, the server will automatically be configured as a Domain Controller.
Now to change a primary email address of active directory user follows:
1. Double click on the user that you want to edit the email addresses for.
2. Go to the “Attribute Editor”tab.
3. Go to the “proxy Addresses” attribute and click edit.
4. Edit the email addresses as per your requirements. Note that the primary address (which is the address that the user will send emails from) is in uppercase “NOUMAN”.