Windows Autopilot Guide

                      Windows Autopilot Guide


  •          Windows 10 installation media
  •          Internet access
  •          Hyper-V or a physical device running Windows 10
  •          An account with Azure AD Premium license


1.            Install Windows 10 LTSC version on any physical or virtual machine.

2.            Sign in using local account instead of organizational account. 

3.            connect to internet and update if necessary.

4.            open PowerShell as administrator type the following command one by one to captured hardware ID.

  • md c:\HWID
  • Set-Location c:\HWID
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
  • Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force
  • $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts"
  • Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutopilotHWID.csv

When you are prompted to install the NuGet package, choose Yes.

Verify that there is an AutopilotHWID.csv file in the c:\HWID directory that is about 8 KB in size. This file contains the complete 4K HH.

You will need to upload this data into Intune to register your device for Autopilot, so the next step is to transfer this file to the computer you will use to access the Azure portal. If you are using a physical device instead of a VM, you can copy the file to a USB stick. If you’re using a VM, you can right-click the AutopilotHWID.csv file and copy it, then right-click and paste the file to your desktop (outside the VM).

Reset the VM back to Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE)

On the Virtual Machine on Physical Machine, go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and click on Get started under Reset this PC. Select Remove everything and Just remove my files. If you are asked How would you like to reinstall Windows, select Local reinstall. Finally, click on Reset.

Resetting the VM or device can take a while. Proceed to the next step (verify subscription level) during the reset process

Configuration on

  •         Verify subscription level
  •         Configure company branding
  •         Configure Microsoft Intune auto-enrollment
  •                                          Autopilot registration using Intune
  •                                           Autopilot registration using MSfB
  •         Create and assign a Windows Autopilot deployment profile
  •         Create a device group
  •         Create the deployment profile
  •         See Windows Autopilot in action

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