How to Enroll Windows Phone with Intune

Install the Company Portal app on your device:

  1. Tap Start > Store.
  2. Tap Search, and then type company portal.
  3. In the list of results, tap Company Portal.

    Company portal search results

  4. Tap Company Portal > Install.

    Install company portal

Enroll your device:

  1. On the device, open the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app.
  2. Provide your credentials. You may be asked to accept your company’s Terms and Conditions, if applicable.
  3. Swipe to My Devices.
  4. Tap to enroll or identify this device.

    Tap to enroll or identify this device screen

  5. Tap Enroll this device.

    Enroll this device screen

  6. Tap Add account.

    Workplace settings screen

  7. Enter more information as requested, and then tap sign in to finish the enrollment. You should now see your workplace account listed on the Settings > Workplace page.

    Account added screen

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