How to Block and Unblock Users in Azure AD
Block and Unblock Users
Use the block and unblock users feature to prevent users from receiving authentication requests. Any authentication attempts for blocked users are automatically denied. Users remain blocked for 90 days from the time that they are blocked.
Block a User
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an administrator.
2. Browse to Azure Active Directory > MFA Server > Block/unblock users.
3. Select Add to block a user.
4. Select the Replication Group. Enter the username for the blocked user as Enter a comment in the Reason field.
5. Select Add to finish blocking the user.
Unblock a User
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an administrator.
2. Browse to Azure Active Directory > MFA Server > Block/unblock users.
3. Select Unblock in the Action column next to the user to unblock.
4. Enter a comment in the Reason for unblocking field.
5. Select Unblock to finish unblocking the user.
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