Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Step 1: Create a storage account, cloud service, web application

Log in to the Azure portal with your Azure account.

In search bar type storage account and then choose from left navigation pane.

+ Create to create new storage account

Choose your subscription and resource group

Name cdnstorage1122
Region East US
Performance Standard
Redundancy GRS

and Create Upon completion of deployment, open cdnstorage1122 and choose container from left navigation.

+ Container to create new container

Name mycdncontainer
Public access level container (anonymous read access for container and blobs)

Create Open c

Step 2: Create a CDN Profile resource

On home page click on + Create a resource

Type cdn, choose cdn profile, and click + Create

Choose subscription and resource group

Name cdnprofile1
Region Global
Pricing tier Standard Microsoft
Click on review + create to create Note: If error found go to azure cloud shell and run this command to register
To view Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Cdn
To register Register- AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Cdn

Step 3: Create a new CDN Endpoint node

Upon completion open cdnprofile1 and click +Endpoint to add endpoint
Name cndendpoint557
Origin type Storage
Origin host name
Path (origin hostname/storage/container/filename)
Origin host header
Ports Leave default


When created successfully, open this, copy the origin host name, and paste in any browser. Add container and file name with its extension. It will look like this and press enter.

Your image should be previewed.

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