Managing Office 365 users and groups

Managing Office 365 users and groups

Sign into Microsoft 365 admin portal

1. Open your browser and type in “” in the address bar.
2. Sign in and enter your credentials for verification. After that, this page will be displayed as shown in the image below.

Figure 1 MS 365 Office

3. Click on the admin portal at the left bottom corner of the screen, as shown in the image above.
4. Microsoft 365 admin center will be displayed. This is the home interface that you get when you log in to the admin center.
5. You can find users and groups on the left side of the page where you can manage your users and groups of your organization, as shown in the image below.
6. Now you have successfully logged into your MS office 365 admin center.

Figure 2 admin portal


When we click on the user's tab, you can find four sub-tabs under the users' tab. In the image shown


Figure 3 Users

Active users:

In this tab, you can find your existing active users. You can create a new user, multiple users or a

template and much more. You can find the interface that you get when you click on active users in the
image below.

Figure 4 Active users


Contacts are people outside your organization that you'd like everyone to be able to find. Anyone listed

here can be found in Outlook under People in Microsoft 365. In the image below, you can find the
interface that you get when you click on contacts.

Figure 5 Contacts

Guest users:

You can create a user account for guests, people who will only use the services on a brief, temporary
basis. In the image below, you can find the interface you get when you click on the guest.

Figure 6 Guest users

Deleted user:               

This is the location where you will find your deleted users. You can restore a deleted user within
30day; when deleted after that, it will be permanently deleted. You can find the interface that you
get when you click on the deleted user in the image below.

Figure 7 Deleted Users

How to create a user:

1. Click on users then go to active users

Figure 8 Active users

2. Click on Add a user

Figure 9 Add a user

3. Enter first name, last name, display name, username, password

Figure 10 Basic

4. Assign product licenses and permit apps that you want to give also set location

Figure 11 Assign the licenses and apps

5. Optional setting, you can give admin roles to a user

Figure 12 Admin Center Access

6. Review and finish adding.

Figure 13 Review and finish adding

How to change user’s password:

1. Click on users then go to active users

Figure 14 Active users

2. Click on the user that you need to change password

Figure 15 click on user

3. A small interface will open from the left side and right below the username you will find the
option of reset password click on it

Figure 16 Reset Password

4. You can automatically create as well as require user to change their password when they
    first sign in.
5. Click on reset password button.

Figure 17 Automatically create a password

How to Block sign-in:

1. Click on users then go to active users

Figure 18 Active users

2. Click in the user that you need to block sign-in

Figure 19 Select users

3. A small interface will open from the left side and right below the username you will find the
option of block sign-in click on it.

Figure 20 Block sign-in

4. Check to block this user from signing in
5. Click on save changes

Figure 21 Save Changes

Give admin roles1. Click on users then go to active users

Figure 22 Active users

2. Click in the user that you need to give roles

Figure 23

3. Find manage roles option and click on it

Figure 24 Manage roles

4. You can check what admin role you want to give to a user
5. Click on save changes 

Figure 25 Save changes

How to delete user:

1. Click on users then go to active users
2. Select those users that you need to delete.

3. After selecting users, you will find an option to delete user next to add user & refresh. Click
on it

Figure 26 Select users to delete

4. Now click on delete users

Figure 27 Click Delete Users

How to restore deleted users:

You can restore deleted users and their data, except for calendar items and aliases, for up to 30 days
after you delete them. Licenses will be available to assign to other users immediately. After 30 days,
data will be permanently deleted.

1. Click on users then go to deleted users

Figure 28 deleted user

2. Select user that you need to restore

Figure 29 Restore user

3. Click on restore

Figure 30 Restore


When we click on the groups' tab, we can find three sub-tabs under the groups' tab. As shown in the
image below.

Figure 31 Groups

Active groups:

In this tab, you can find your existing active groups. You can create a new group and much more. You
can find the interface that you get when you click on the active group in the image below.

Figure 32 Active groups

Deleted groups:

This is where you will find your deleted groups. Deleted Microsoft 365 groups will be shown here for
30 days before the group, and its associated data are permanently deleted. If you need to, you can
restore a Microsoft 365 group and its data within this period. All other group types are permanently
deleted immediately.

Figure 33 Deleted groups

Shared mailboxes:

A shared mailbox can be used by a group of people, like a support team, to receive and send email
from the same email address. Select a shared mailbox to add or remove members, set up automatic
replies, manage aliases, and more. Figure 34 Shared mailboxes

Types of groups:

MS 365: Create a group email to collaborate. You can also add MS teams for group conversations, files and calendars.

Distribution: Create an email address for a group of people

Mail-enabled security: A distribution list that can also use to control access to OneDrive and Share Point 

Security: Controls access to OneDrive and SharePoint and can be used for mobile device management for MS 365.

How to create a group:

1. Click on groups then active groups

Figure 35 Active groups

2. Click on add a group

Figure 36 Add a group

3. Select group type

Figure 37 Select group type

4. Give name and description

Figure 38 name and description

5. Add owners to the group

Figure 39 Add owners

6. Add members to the group

Figure 40 Add members

7. Give email address, privacy type and if you need to create a MS teams to this group

Figure 41 Edit Settings

8. Click create group after reviewing details

Figure 42 Review and finish adding group

How to delete a group

1. Click on groups then active groups

Figure 43 Active users

2. Select those groups that you need to delete

Figure 44 Select those groups

3. After selecting groups, you will find option to delete group next to add user & refresh, click
on it

Figure 45 Delete group

4. Now click on delete group

Figure 46 click Delete group

How to restore a deleted group

1. Click on groups then go to deleted groups Figure 47 deleted groups

2. Select those groups that you need to restore\

Figure 48 Select those groups that you need to restore

3. Click on restore

Figure 49 Restore

How to add users/owners in a group

1. Click on groups then active groups

Figure 50 Active groups

2. Click on that group in which you need to add members

Figure 51 Click on that group3. Click on members

4. If you need to add an owner, click on view all and manage owners
5. If you need to add members, click on view all and manage members

Figure 52 Members

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